Senate Bill 1195 is a new bill which will further erode the rights of injured Workers' in Pennsylvania. The legislators behind it are attempting to fast-track it. I urge all of you to contact your state representative and senator and demand that they vote against passage of this legislation. This bill will effectively eliminate any Uninsured Employer Guarantee Fund (UEGF) claims in the Commonwealth of PA. The UEGF was designed to provide benefits to those injured while working for Employers who failed to obtain legally required Workers' Compensation Insurance. You never know if this is going to be you until it is too late. Your representative may suggest that these changes are minor or will not effect many people. Don't be fooled! You may be one of those people in the future and if you are seriously injured and cannot work and have no income because your Employer failed to properly insure, you will wish this fund was available. Further, if this is allowed to pass it will only be the beginning of increased erosion to the rights of injured workers. PLEASE, call and/or email your state representative and senator and tell them to vote against Senate Bill 1195 today!